Food relief & agriculture

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In response to the COVID-19 Crisis, Futuro Brillante launched its Emergency Food Relief Program in March 2019. We continue to support local families who have been severely negatively impacted by the pandemic with food packages that include basic necessities, cleaning products, eggs, and other produce from the Futuro Brillante garden.

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Community Garden” titlepadding=”15″ date=”FRESH PRODUCE FOR ALL” titlesize=”30″ titleclr=”#2fb3c1″ titlebg=”#e6e6e6″ image_id=”10266″ clr=”#2fb3c1″ size=”25″ bgclr=”#2fb3c1″ icon=”fa fa-leaf” icon_size=”25″]

In 2017, we launched an ambitious and innovative project to develop a community garden in Matapalo. The garden has evolved in many ways over the years, but it’s main objectives remain consistent: to provide fresh, affordable produce to local families; to provide nutritious produce to families in need through our donation programs, and to serve as an educational platform to teach the local community, especially children, about the important role of healthy food and sustainable agricultural practices.

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Chicken Project” titlepadding=”15″ date=”FARM TO TABLE” titlesize=”30″ titleclr=”#086069″ titlebg=”#e6e6e6″ image_id=”10268″ clr=”#086069″ size=”25″ bgclr=”#086069″ icon=”fa fa-sun-o” icon_size=”25″]

Futuro Brillante started a small pilot project with egg-laying hens in January 2019. In response to COVID-19, we saw an excellent opportunity to further support our food relief program, and increased the program to 200 chickens. The project has been an immense success!

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Backyard Farm Project” titlepadding=”15″ date=”SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE” titlesize=”30″ titleclr=”#f09400″ titlebg=”#e6e6e6″ image_id=”10092″ clr=”#f09400″ size=”25″ bgclr=”#f09400″ icon_size=”25″ icon=”fa fa-pagelines”]

NEW FOR 2021! In order to support local families seeking to be more self-sufficient, Futuro Brillante developed the Backyard Farm Program. Through this program, FB serves as a platform and Zero Cost intermediary to help local families begin their own agriculture and livestock projects at lower costs.
