Trash Scientists 2018

  • Visita a un humedal 'Estero de Tamarindo'

  • Visita a un humedal 'Estero de Tamarindo'

  • Visita a un humedal 'Estero de Tamarindo'

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Investigando en la zona intermareal

  • Snorkeling y otras actividades en la playa

  • Snorkeling y otras actividades en la playa

  • Snorkeling y otras actividades en la playa

  • Snorkeling y otras actividades en la playa

Project Description

Trash Scientists 2018

The program ‘Trash Scientists’ also known as RECIBA is a multinational project aimed at studying contamination of the entire Pacific Coast of Latin America. The project is run by the Catholic University of Northern Chile and it is focused on the management of pollution in the Pacific Ocean and coastal communities.

The program lasts for three years and all of our Nature Club graduates will be integrated into the program over time. Activities in 2018 included international video conference calls with our students and scientists in Chile, games to learn about the other countries participating in the program, an estuary tour and two tidal zone exploration field trips at Las Catalinas. Many thanks to our partners and friends at Connect Ocean for donating their expertise and staff time for several of these activities.

Project Details

